The Plough Inn


The Plough Inn is the longest established pub in the village.  Although it is not known when it was built or who its first publican was records show that the inn has been serving pints to villagers for well over 200 years.

The earliest reference to the Plough Innis from an advertisment carried in the The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury across Oct and Nov in 1805.  The advert copy refers to “Mr. John HARWOOD, who keeps the sign of the Plough, at Coddington”.

John HARWOOD died on 23rd Mar 1810 leaving his widow, Rosamond, to continue running the Plough until, in 1812, there is a marriage report in The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury of Friday, 19th Jun 1812 saying “On Friday se’nnight, Mr. [John] RENSHAW, farmer, of Bathley, to Mrs. [Rosamond] HARWOOD, of the Plough public-house, Coddington, Notts.

Enlarged plan from 1918 Estate Sale Catalogue

The Inn has changed hands numerous times: both in ownership and tenancy.  Two such occasions were advertised in the Press in the 1920s:


From the Newark Advertiser 25th Jan 1928



To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. B. G. SELBY and SONS, at the “Royal Oak” Hotel, Castlegate, Newark, on


At 3.30p.m. in the Afternoon, subject to the General Conditions of Sale of 1925 and Special Conditions of Sale to be then declared.

LOT 1.

The Valuable Fully-Licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE, known by the sign of


together with the Stables, Outbuildings, Garden and Grass Paddock, situate in the centre of the village, and fronting the main road from Newark to Sleaford containing an area of about

1 Acre 2 Roods 32 perches,

now leased to Messrs. James Hole and Co., Ltd., Newark. whose lease expires at APRIL 6th, 1928.  This Lease may be inspected at the offices of the Vendor’s Solicitors at any time previous to the day of the sale.

The House is licensed for SEVEN DAYS for the sale of Beer, Wines and Spirits, and the tenant has a Petrol License.

The accommodation comprises Entrance, Billiard Room, Serving Bar, Tap Room, large Kitchen, Pantry, Beer Cellar, 3 Bedrooms, Storeroom, and Lavatory.

The Outbuildings consist of Storeroom, and two Loose Boxes, with large Clubroom over, pig place and petrol store.

There is a good accommodation Grass Paddock and productive Garden at the rear of the buildings.

The House, which is well situated, enjoys a good country beer and spirit sale, with a summer catering trade, and is capable of further development.  Newark water is laid on.

This Lot was formerly Copyhold of the Manor of Newark, and is offered for sale subject to the Manorial Incidents affecting it.

The boarded shed and timber pig places are not included in the sale, and the property is sold subject to the Purchaser taking over from the Lessees at a valuation made in the usual way, in accordance with the terms of the Lease.

LOT 2.


situate opposite “The Plough Inn,” and comprising TWO COTTAGES occupied by Mrs. HOUGH and Mr. G. WARD, old Blacksmith’s Shop used as garage, let to Mr. BURGESS, and FOUR COTTAGES in the occupation of Messrs. FIXTER, STANILAND, TUCKER and GOODBAND, with large piece of GARDEN GROUND divided into plots for the use of the tenants, and timber yard let to Mrs. HOUGH, the whole containing an area of about 2 roods 18 perches.

Gross Rental £60 13s. 0d. the owner paying rates and water charges.

Land Tax 6s. 0d. per annum.  Newark water from tap in yard.

The whole of the timber sheds are the property of the tenants.

The Garden Ground has an excellent frontage to the Beckingham Road, is well elevated, and forms a valuable site for building purposes.

To view, apply to the respective tenants, and to inspect plans and for further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, 9, Bargate, Newark (Tel. 164), or to 

Messrs. HODGKINSON & BEEVOR, Solicitors, 3 Middlegate, Newark.


Road realignment

The Plough Inn survived a major road realignment when the (old) A17 was driven across Newark road and through the centre of the village from Beacon Hill.  The road passed between the Plough (in blue) and 39 Main Street (shown red).  The buildings between were demolished sometime between 1919 and 1946.

Historic list of landlords of the Plough Inn

1805 – 1810 John HARWOOD – a series of advertisments carried in the The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury across October and November in 1805 where part of the advert copy includes reference to “Mr. John HARWOOD, who keeps the sign of the Plough, at Coddington”.

1810 – 1812 Rosamond HARWOOD (John’s widow) before a marriage report in The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury of Friday, 19th June 1812 saying “On Friday se’nnight, Mr. [John] RENSHAW, farmer, of Bathley, to Mrs. [Rosamond] HARWOOD, of the Plough public-house, Coddington, Notts

1812 – 1815 John RENSHAW – Farmer and Victualler (and wife, Rosamond RENSHAW).  
Rosamond died 3rd Dec 1814, aged 49 and John died 15th Jul 1915, age 44.

1816 – 1830

Leeson SLIGHT keeps the Plough Inn.  At the baptism of his children (from 1816 – 1825) he is described in the parish register as a publican.  Subsequent to this, a handbill still exists detailing the house of Mrs [Elizabeth] BIRKETT being auctioned “at the house of Mr Leeson SLIGHT, at the sign of The Plough, in Coddington” to be held at 5.00pm on 25th Jan 1820 and this is confirmed in an advert for the same auction in the Stamford Mercury of 7th Jan 1820 [although the landlord is referred to in the advert as “Thomas” SLIGHT]

Nottinghamshire Archives (ref: C/QD/LV/4/5/6) hold a copy of the “Alehouse keeper’s recogizance (bond) for Leeson SLIGHT of The Plough in Coddington” dated 1823.  Pigot and Co.’s national commercial diectory dated 1828-29 confirms him at The Plough [although the entry contains an error, ascribing him and The Plough to “Connington”!].  A similar directory entry for 1830 describes him as a “victualler”.


A marriage report in the The Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury of 28th Jan 1831 quotes: “On Tuesday last [25th], at Fulbeck, Mr. Oliver BARFOOT, [of] the Plough Inn, Coddington, to Miss Mary BALL of the former place“.

Directory doesn’t identify pub names.  Three victuallers are listed for Coddington; Oliver BARFOOT, James MARSHALL [of the Bell Inn, aka Catch’em Inn] and William BLACKBURN [probably the Red Lion].  John HUDSON was also described in the parish records as a publican at the baptism of his child.


John PORTASS and his wife Mary (both 55)

[there are THREE publicans/victuallers listed on the 1841 census for Coddington; John PORTASS, probably at the The Plough, and William BLACKBURN, probably the Red Lion] and George COE, probably Catch’em Inn/ Bluebell]



1847 – 60

John Cooper BIRKETT (in the 1841 census he is a “publican” with his mother (Mary BIRKETT, née COOPER – formally of Coddington), who is keeping The Black Horse Inn in Norwell).

In The Lincolnshire Chronicle of Friday, 1st Oct 1847 John was described as “publican of Coddington” in the notice of his marriage to Miss Elizabeth TORRY of Barnby-road.  

The Nottingham Journal of Friday, 19th May 1848 carried a report: “Coddington, near Newark. – On Tuesday last the members of the Beacon Field Lodge of Old Fellows held their anniversary, which was numerously attended, there being a considerable number of Newark brethren present.  The Newark brass band escorted them to hear divine service at the church, after which there was a dinner at the Plough Inn, and ample justice was done to the choice of viands furnished by Brother BIRKETT, the worthy host.  A most delightful evening was afterwards spent.”

Further, the Nottinghamshire Guardian of 4th Sept 1856 includes “John BIRKETT” at “The Plough” in a list of granted licences at the annual general meeting at the petty sessional division of Newark.

The Plough, “occupied by John BIRKETT” was offered ‘To be Let’ in the Stamford Mercury of Friday 30th March 1860 with “possession at Lady Day next“.  In Octobber 1860 John Cooper BIRKETT, Victualler and Farmer of Coddington petitioned as an Insolvent Debtor.

1860 – 66

Fowler TANSLEY at the Plough Inn on the 1861 cencus and includes:

Fowler TANSLEY (60, born Oundle, Northants)

Elizabeth TANSLEY (wife, 49, born Sutton-on-Trent, Lincs)

Fowler TANSLEY died on 16th May 1866.

1869 – 78

Thomas INGRAM – included on the 1871 census as keeping the Plough (with his wife, Mary).  Thomas died in 1878 and was buried in Coddington on 28 Apr 1878.

1879 / 81 / 85 / 92 / 94 / 97-8 /

1900 / 12

Mrs Mary INGRAM at the Plough Inn
1912-13 Edward YOUNG – described in the Nottingham Evening Post of Tuesday,15th Apr 1913 as “A labourer who became licence-holder….” who “failed after 5 months of trading…” and “lately of the Plough Inn

The turmoil bought about by Edward YOUNG’s tenure at the Plough coinsided with the license review at The Globe Tavern beerhouse where the Licensing Sessions, in connection with the Newark County Division [held at the Appletongate Court, when the magistrates present were Capt. W. COAPE OATES (presiding), and Mr. W. F. E. DENISON. – May 1913], along with the pressure of the Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910 [in which licensed premises were reviewed as to whether they were surplus to requirements] all added to a desision for a refusal of the license and the closure of the Globe. Following this was a switch for Benjamin GREEN foregoing the Globe and taking up the license of the Plough Inn.

1916 / 23 / 25

Benjamin GREEN at The Plough” – An article in The Yorkshire Post on Thursday 26thJul 1923 refers to “Benjamin GREEN, licencee of the Plough Inn, Coddington…” – (named at the Plough Inn in 1925 Kelly’s Directory)


Charles Frederick SELLERS at the Plough


Arthur HENTON [and his wife, Clara] named at the Plough Inn in 1941 Kelly’s Directory).
A report about his funeral in the Newark Advertiser of 14th Sep 1949 refers to Arthur retiring from the Plough in Jul 1949 after being landlord for 18 years  sadly his death on 8th Sep, at Balderton, came soon after his retirement.

1950 / 1951 / 1955

William A PETHIG at the Plough Inn.

The Newark Advertiser of 10th Oct 1951 refers to a beer licence extension for “W A PETHIG of the Plough, Coddington” – “on the occasion of the Newark Motor Cycle and Light Car Club dance in the Castle Ballroom on 2nd Nov.“.

Also, the Newark Advertiser of Wednesday, 24th Aug 1955 refers to “Mr. W. A. PETHIG of the Plough Inn, Coddington“.

1968 Comments from an article in the Stamford Mercury 29th Nov 1968 refer to Pete & Sue PROFFIT having just moved on from running the Plough Inn, Coddington