

Kearney, Minnie

18/19 – 1957-1961 at 62 The Green

Keetley, Miss Mary (later Mrs Ellis)

Ellis, John

16 – 27/02/1827- John Ellis married Mary Keetley

Kelham, Mr John

Kelham, John T

1 Mr John – cottage in Lot 49

18/19 – 1957-1961 at 71 Main St

Kempe, John

36B – John Kempe, husbandman Coddington – Will dated 4.12.1584; Proved 6.5.1585; York ref Vol23 Fol34

Kemp, Miss Mary (later Mrs Cargill)

Cargill, Mr Robert

16 – 19/12/1808 – Robert Cargill married Mary Kemp

Kendell, Pamela D

18/19 – 1957- 1961 at Mill Dene, Newark Road

Kerr, A

20 – 1950 farmer, at Flawford Farm, Tel Fenton Claypole 40

Key, Miss Marie (later Mrs  Parker)

Parker, Adam

16 – 15/11/1638 – Adam Parker married Marie Key     

Key, John

Key, Mrs Elizabeth (née Johnson)        

16 – 21/05/1838 – John Key married Elizabeth Johnson          

Kirk, Clark

Kirk, Mrs Ann (née Camm)  

16 – 08/07/1839 – Clark Kirk married Ann Camm

Kirke, Miss Jane (later Mrs  Johnson)

Johnson, Benjamin

16  – 17/05/1790 – Benjamin Johnson married Jane Kirke

Kirkby, Rev William

24 – in 1853 listed as curate

15 Rev William – officiated at most of the baptisms, marriages and births between May 1852 and Sep 1853.

Kirton, George

Kirton, John

Kirton, Derick

Kirton, Mrs Mavis

18/19 – 1957-1961 at Sunnyside Farm Main Street


Derick (check spelling, d Jan 2005 leaving widow Mavis and sons)


Add details from John’s talk to history group.

Kirkland, Mr John

6/25/26 Mr John – in 1832, 1844, 1848 farmer

Kirkland, Mr John

Wells, Ann

Wells, John

Greenwood, J

35 1841 Census

John Kirkland, age 65 b~1776, Y(in Notts), farmer

Also in household

Ann Wells, age 25 b~1816, Y(in Notts),

John Wells, age 5 b~1836, Y(in Notts)

J Greenwood, age 30 b~1811, Y(in Notts), male servant.

Folio 8, 862

Kirkland, Mr George

35 1841 Census

George Kirkland, age 55 b~1786, Y(in Notts), independent

Folio 5, 862

Kitchen ? see also Kytchine

Kitchen, Mrs Susan

Kitchen, Mr Jim

Kitchen, Miss Alison

Kitchen, Mr Matthew

Kitchen, Mrs Fiona (née Collishaw)

Kitchen, Miss Lucy

12 Mrs Susan Kitchen (née Ewans) – daughter of Sheila Dernie and her first husband = Rus Ewens DFC (Sister to Richard and Sally Ewens).  Family – Allison, Matthew.

12 Mr Jim Kitchen – solicitor, Sunnyside Farm, Weston.  Husband of Susan and father of Alison, Matthew.

12 Matthew married Fiona Collishaw, and father of Lucy

Knifesmith, Thomas

36B – Thomas Knifesmith, husbandman Codington – Will dated 10.3.1574; proved 27.9.1576; York ref Vol20 Fol85      

Knight, W E

15 one of the Method School Managers/ Trustees present at the meeting 1st July 1891 – where. after another bad report, they decided to carry on for one more year.

Knott, Mr Thomas William

34/9/10/13/21/22/23 Mr Thomas William – in 1912, 1916, 1923,1928 and 1941-2 baker Oral: Lived/shop next to The Plough (18C house with step) bakery behind shop.  “Used to deliver bread from a basket.” b~1875 – d. 18.3.1946 – aged 71

D Newcastles papers: compensation agreement for former copyhold property owned by Thomas William Knott in Coddington; messuage with baker’s shop, outbuildings and garden at Coddington, together with a right of way [details of bounding properties and number on O.S. map provided]

Knott, Mrs Bertha Helen

20 – 1950 assistant in families bakers shop, b~1873 – d. 4.4.1962

Knott, John W

18 – 1961 at Main Street

Knott, Geoffrey C

18/19 – 1957-1961 at 61 The Green

Knott, John F

18/19 –1957- 1961 at 61 The Green

Kytchine, Henry

36B – Henry Kytchine, husbandman Coddington – Will dated jan 28 33Eliz; proved 29.4.1591; York ref Vol25 Fol876