From Windmill to House


Including technical details of Coddington Tower Mill





After the mill ceased to work, the building and land was sold to Peter Hutchison in 1947 – though presumably with Samuel Lee remaining as a tenant. Samuel Lee is listed in Trade Directories as living at Coddington Mill in 1951, 1957 and 1961.


Although the sails were falling off in 1958 the building was listed in 1969. In 1974 it was described thus:

“There is only one doorway, which is at ground level, the door itself is missing and cattle wander in and out at will. The floors have been removed which gives the interior a striking appearance as one can look up through a criss-cross of huge beams and see the whole shell of the mill, with windows disposed at random. There is a millstone lying on the ground inside the mill and another lying outside used as a well cover.”

{insert picture(s) of the mill during conversion into a house}


The next owner bought the mill in 1984. Since then he has restored the tower and incorporated it into a new private house – initially single but now two-storey. The rescued mill tower now has a secure future.


Technical Details of Coddington Tower Mill

from the Newcomen Society, 1962

Coddington Mill


4-storey, tarred and flared at the base


ogee-shaped and (unusually) is painted black


‘live curbs’ – all other Nottingham mills except Tuxford have shot or dead curbs


two single and two double patent anti-clockwise sails. The sails are dished. The bull-nose front striking gear that had a plate instead of a spider.


has an iron neck-bearing with no brass and a 9 inch diameter neck

Brake wheels, brakes & wallowers

Pitch of Cogs – 4 in;  Brake Wheel – 80 wood; No. of cogs in wallower – 32 solid wood built up in four parts; Great Spur Wheel – 64 wood

Great spur wheels & stone nuts

Coddington and Arnesby mills have mortise wheels.  The cap of the top bearing of the quant was removed; one quant was of wrought iron and 3 in. by 1in. section. 

Stones & Governers

The many-height was called a “Nick Bates”

Sack Hoists & Dressing Machines

A large boulter was driven from a downturned bevel ring on the underside of the great spur wheel and there was a subsidiary belt to a crank-driven shaker at the upper end of the bolter to ensure a regular feed

Auxiliary Power

A 15hp Crossley gas engine was used

Miscellaneous Details

The mill was built in 1859 – said to have given 40 hp under good conditions. Damage by blast from a land mine during the last war ended her working life. On the bolter was inscribed the following:-

“Brush me well and keep me clean

The work I’ll do will soon be seen

But I am like ladies fair

I love to dress I do declare”



Follow these links for more information about the mill:

Coddington Windmill Introduction

Milling around Newark before 1600

Milling and Millers from 1600 – 1830

The Lee family at Coddington mill 1830 onwards