

Hudson, John

Hudson, Mrs Sarah (néeGraves)          

16 – 24/11/1756 – John Hudson married Sarah Graves           

Hudson, John

Hudson, Mrs Mary Ann (néeGoss)  

16 – 24/10/1831 – John Hudson married Mary Ann Goss

see below

Hudson, Mr J W

Hudson, Mr John W

6 Mr J W– in 1832 lime-burner

25 Mr John W in 1844 listed as lime-burner.

see below

Hudson, Mr John

Hudson, Mary

Hudson, Richard

Hudson, Robert

Goss, Thomas

35 1841 Census 

John Hudson, age 30, b~1811, Y( in Notts.), lime merchant

Mary Hudson, age 25, b~1816 Y( in Notts.)

Richard Hudson, age 7, b~1834 Y( in Notts.)

Robert Hudson, age 3, b~1838 Y( in Notts.)

Living in household, Mary’s father:

Thomas Goss, age 35, b~1806, Y( in Notts.), lime burner

Folio 13;862

Hufton, Miss Jane (later Mrs Ravel)

Ravel, John    

16 ? 11/07/1768 – John Ravel married Jane Hufton            

Hullott, Mary Ann

Glossop, Sampson

Glossop, Mary

35 1841 Census

Mary Ann Hullott, age 12 b~1829, N(not in Notts)

In the household of

Sampson Glossop, age 70 b~1771, N(not in Notts), Independent.

Mary Glossop, age 30 b~1811, N(not in Notts)

Folio 7, 862

Hughes, George Edward

Hughes, Margaret Annie  (née Porter)

16 – 17/08/1896 – Hughes George Edward married Margaret Annie Porter      

Hume, John D

20 – 1950 at Elmwood, p.res


36 – Will Proved 1764 Spinster

Hunt, Thomas

Hunt, Mrs Sarah (née Woodcock)    

16 – 26/11/1782 – Thomas Hunt married Sarah Woodcock     

Hunt, Miss Mary (later Mrs Johnson)

Johnson, Richard

16  – 01/08/1825 – Richard Johnson married Mary Hunt    

Hunt, William

Hunt, Mrs Ann (néeChantrey)          

16 – 07/06/1824 – William Hunt married Ann Chantrey

Great aunt of Chauntrey Hunt, later the schoolmaster.

Hunt, Miss Mary (later Mrs Barton)

Barton, John

16 – 13/05/1835 – John Barton married Mary Hunt

Hunt, Miss Ann (later Mrs Dring)

Dring, John   

16 – 13/11/1837 – John Dring married Ann Hunt

Hunt, Mary

35 1841 Census 

Mary Hunt, age 75, b~1766, Y( in Notts)

(Folio 9, Piece 862)

Hunt, William

Hunt, Ann

Hunt, Joseph

Hunt, Hannah

Hunt, Mary

Hunt, William

Hunt, Eliza

35 1841 Census 

age 40, b~1801, Y( in Notts.), Agricultural labourer

Ann, Hunt, age 40, b~1801, Y( in Notts.)

Joseph Hunt, age 13, b~1828, Y( in Notts)

Hannah Hunt, age 11, b~1830, Y( in Notts)

Mary Hunt, age 7, b~1834, Y( in Notts)

William Hunt, age 6, b~1835, Y( in Notts)

Eliza Hunt, age 2, b~1839, Y( in Notts)

Folio 7;862

See below for Joseph Hunt and Joseph Chauntrey Hunt.

Hunt, Harriet

Hilton, William et al

Cullen, Elizabeth

Aslin, Eliza

Crosby, Eliza

35 1841 Census

Harriet Hunt, age 15, b~1826, Y( in Notts.), Female Servant. (see below)

Living in household of William Hilton, age 36, farmer, with three Agricultural labourers, a housekeeper and two other female servants aged 11 – 13.

(Folio 8, Piece 862)

Hunt, Miss Harriet (later Mrs Fox)

Fox, Peter

16 – 26/07/1847 – Peter Fox married Harriet Hunt (aged 21?)      

Hunt, John

Hunt, Mrs Sarah (néePlummer)          

16 – 29/06/1868 – John Hunt married Sarah Plummer        

Hunt, Mr William

Hunt, Mr William (grandfather)

Hunt, Mr William (father)

Hunt, Mr William (son)

Hunt, Mr Joseph

Hunt, Miss

Hunt, E

=? Hunt, Edwin

2 Mr William – in 1863 occupied cottage 3e No59  (N-range of Well Green).  Relationship to below unknown.

15 Mr W (son) married Ann Chantry in 1824. (His father and grandfather were also William Hunts baptised in Coddington.)  Vernon says that they left Coddington by about 1845.

15 Mr Joseph – b 1827 was William/Ann’s second child – Joseph Cha(u)ntry Hunt was his son. See below.

Miss Hunt took sewing as a fill in in April/May 1886, before Mrs Lockton started as sewing mistress. In 1893 E Hunt delivered part of a recitation contest in the Dec Children’s Concert 21.12.1893 (H Farmer, A Crawford, and F Backhouse).  In 1893 Edwin Hunt received a never absent attendance award.

Hunt, Mr William

Hunt, Mr Henry

2 Mr William – in 1863 occupied cottage 3e No59  (N-range of Well Green 2-up/2-down cottages that in 1918 was occupied by George Ragsdale)

2 Mr Henry – in 1863 occupied cottage 3f xxx

Hunt, Mr Joseph Chantry-

Hunt, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Hunt, Mr Ronald


Chauntry-Hunt, Mr Joseph

Chauntry-Hunt, Mrs

Chauntry-Hunt, Mr Wilfred

Chauntry-Hunt, Mr Ronald

3 Mr Joseph Chantry – d 18.9.1938 aged 78 – 43 years headmaster. B~1860

31/32/33/8/34 Mr J C – in 1892, 1894 (home, Newark), 1897, 1900, 1912 master of National School.

3 15 Mrs Mary Elizabeth – d 29.9.1948 aged 73 wife to Mr Joseph Chantry

Mr Ronald Chantry – d 30.7.1976 aged 73 – son to Joseph Chantry and Mary Elizabeth.

15 – Pg 95-96 Mr Joseph ? b 1860 in Newark, attended the ?Mount National School.  He was a pupil-teacher for 4 years (2 of them in Bristol) before He became headmaster at 23 in 1883.  He was probably grandson of William and Ann Hunt.  He was known to his family as Chantry but he spelled it with a U. 1906 he was ill 8th Feb –  2nd April.  He retired in 1925, died in1938.

23 – 1923 master of Public Elementary School, which will hold 150 children

21 ? 1938 Joseph C – at Old Vicarage

15  Mrs Elizabeth married ~ 1900 was school teacher at Barnby in the Willows school. She died 1948 aged 78.

10 – 1942 at Old Vicarage, p.res

15  Mr Ronald B 1902 – never married, died and was buried in Coddington.

18/19/20 –– 1961 at Old Vicarage.

15  Mr Wilfred – b 1906 – engineer, travelled abroad, married and has grandchild, (1987 living in Birmingham)

Hunt, Ms Audrey Vera

3 Ms Audrey Vera – d 27.8.1953 aged 47

20 – 1950 Mrs A – poultry farmer, at The Tinderbox

Hunt, Mr Wilfred

10 –  Mr Wilfred – in 1941 poultry breeder

Hurst, Miss Alice (later Mrs Cooper)

Cooper, John

16 – 21/05/1741 – John Cooper married Alice Hurst

Hurst, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs  Pinnington)

Pinnington, Robert

16 – 14/05/1760 – Robert Pinnington married Elizabeth Hurst

Hurt, Isaac

Hurt, Mrs Mary (néeLee)

16 – 03/04/1856 – Isaac Hurt married Mary Lee         

Hutchinson, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Cragg)

Cragg, Joseph

16 – 17/05/1824 – Joseph Cragg married Elizabeth Hutchinson

Hutchinson, Miss Phoebe (later Mrs Reynolds)

Reynolds, Walter

16 – 04/03/1893 – Walter Reynolds married Phoebe Hutchinson   

Hutchinson, Mr J S

31/32 – in 1892, 1897 J S Hutchinson lived on Newark Rd, no other details given.  In 1894 resident, no location given.  

Hutchinson, P

18 – 1961 at Beaconfield Farm Cottage

Hutchinson, Lancelot Raymond

10/21 – 1938 – 1942 at Tree Tops, Tel Fenton Claypole 35, p.res